Owner of Evil Jester Press

Sunday, November 14, 2010

REDEMPTION a Novella By Charles Day & Mark Taylor

I'm relieved to announce that this collaborative Novella is near completion. It has been a long ride getting this together, sharing chapters back and forth with Mark from the UK, but he is done, and I need to do some final edits before we submit to our publisher for consideration.

I'm confident that she will like it and give us the ok. I had so much fun writing this story with Mark, and I found myself getting a bit frightened at times, forcing me to look over my shoulder.

I'll keep everyone informed about her progress. If anyone is the least bit interested in reading a story from me, this is the one. Besides, Mark is a very talented published author and his story connects so well with mine, as you will see!!

A young girl, two drunkards who should have stayed to help her, rats, and more rats. Evil has just become furry!!

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